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Many Californians are like parasites. They treat their own bodies and minds and everything they come in touch with like filth. They've been spreading their filth among many other states for some time now. One reason they invade other states is to escape the socialist state that they have turned California into by voting the way that they do. Then they continue to vote for the same policies in other states, gradually turning them into socialist hell holes just like California.

Another reason they invade other states is because they can afford much nicer housing than they could in California. It's mainly the lower-middle class people invading other states because they  couldn't afford any reasonable housing in California. Californians have barged into other states, knocking up the real estate prices by outbidding natives who can now no longer afford to buy a house in their home state.

How to spot where Californians have moved in:
Look for houses that have a half dozen vehicles parked in front of the place (half of them don't run). Very seldom do they park their vehicles in a garage. Californians view a garage to be for storing your shit when the house begins to overflow. Another way to spot Californians is to look for vehicles with storage bins over the roofs. This is where they store crap when their garage starts to overflow. Have you noticed an extreme increase in obese people in your hometown? Most likely they are Californians that have moved in.

You can also tell if a Californian has moved in by signs in front of their house that say "SLOW DOWN!" It is a warning that they allow their incompetent children to run out into traffic without looking. They see YOU as responsible for THEIR children's safety. Even if they live alongside a busy highway where the speed limit is 45 or faster, they will put these signs out in front for you to slow down.

Californians blast their music loud enough so that everyone within a hundred yards from them can hear it. They even have loud vehicles (again, so that everyone else can hear them). They make noisy neighbors. They expect the states that they invade to welcome them and to adjust to the California life style (rather than Californians making any kind of effort to adapt).

While driving, Californians tailgate anyone who is not going over the speed limit. Even when it's foggy or raining, Californians will only use their headlights if THEY need them to see ahead. Never does it matter to them whether or not THEY are visible to others. They also seldom use turning signals. Though they are good at giving you the number one sign if you drive too slow.

California has an average I.Q. of 95.5, third to the last of all fifty states in the country ( They also hate greenery, and enjoy cutting down trees. They wonder why so much of California is a desert. They're at the level of thought, "If it weren't for all these trees, maybe I could see through to the forest!"

Many less populated states than California have a number of two lane highways. Many of those two lane highways have little space on either side of the lanes. Californians don't see this as a problem. They just ride their bicycles right down the center of the road, while causing a five mile long traffic jam.

If people do not stand up against the filth and arrogance of Californians invading, they will continue to spread like a disease. Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a warning on Twitter to Californians moving to Texas: “Remember those high taxes, burdensome regulations, & socialistic agenda advanced in CA? We don't believe in that.”

California Exodus

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