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Because dragons were believed to be warm blooded, they would have had to transport themselves to warmer climates in the winter. Because of their weight, it would be next to impossible for dragons to get off the ground for very long regardless of the size of their wings. However, all animals contain bacteria in their gut that helps them break down food. As this is done, gas is produced. The gas that dragons produced is thought to have been something such as hydrogen which they stored in two separate chambers. Hydrogen, being the lightest of all elements, could have allowed dragons to become and remain airborn. In addition, hydrogen is very flammable, especially when combined with oxygen. Fire Dragons are thought to have had a one-way valve in the back of their throat (similar to the palatal valve of the present crocodile) used in releasing gas and preventing the back draft of fire. They also would have needed to balance out the breathing of fire with the ability to fly.

Marine dragons would have also had a palatal valve used to keep their lungs from flooding while holding prey under water.

Fire Dragon

Cosmosmith Creations
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