Tuitions For Illegal Students In California

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by James Hopkins
November 17, 2010

The California Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday, November 15th, that illegal aliens who are here in the United States "illegally" can continue to be eligible for in-state tuition rates at the state's colleges and universities, rather than pay the higher rates charged to those who live out of state. My first response to that is, what the hell is the State of California doing allowing these illegals to attend any schools at all, let alone colleges. This is ridiculous! These people are here in this country illegally and should be treated as such. All branches of all governments, city, state, and federal, should be in the act of deporting them!

The public schools here in California are already overcrowded, even without the addition of illegal aliens and anchor babies that attend them. There was estimated to be 425,000 illegal aliens in California public schools back in 2004. At this same time, an estimated 597,000 anchor babies (children of illegal aliens) attended the state's public schools. These combined figures equalling 1,022,000 illegal students represent more than 15.5 percent of California's total K-12 public school enrollment. It is estimated that over 25,000 illegal aliens are receivnig in-state tuition rates in the State of California.

Federal law prohibits illegal aliens from receiving any college benefits based on residency and not provided to all citizens. How does this State ruling that illegals can receive in-state tuition not confilict with the federal prohibition? While our elected officials are continuously whining about our immigration system being broken, these California Supreme Court Justices are just spitting on our federal immigration laws. And you know what? Our federal government isn't going to do a damn thing about it! However, should a State like Arizona come up with something like their SB 1070 bill, the federal government will be right on their ass with a whole carload of lawsuits filed against them. What's wrong with this picture?

Californians for Population Stabilization -
Center for Immigration Studies -
Federation for American Immigration Reform -
NumbersUSA -


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