Facts About Illegals

Illegal Immigration
No Amnesty
Bush Accomplishments
Hyphenating America
Illegal Immigration Links
Immigration Reform & Control Act
In-State Tuition For Illegals
National Health Care Reform
Human Population Crisis
SB 1070
Stop Illegal Immigration
Stop Illegal Hiring
War On Oil

1. 40% of all workers in Los Angeles County ( L.A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on MediCal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. Immigrants from Mexico and other non-European countries can come to this country and get preferences in jobs, education, and government contracts.

8. Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.

9. 21 radio stations in Los Angeles are Spanish speaking.

10. In Los Angeles County 5.1 million people speak English.

11. 3.9 million speak Spanish (There are 10.2 million people in Los Angeles County).

12. Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90% of California , Florida , and New York ) results from immigration.

13. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

14. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

15. California is home to 275 gangs with over 17,000 members; 98% of which are Mexican and Asian.

16. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the border.

Most of this information was obtained from the Los Angeles Times.
Though it may not be 100% accurate, it has most likely just gotten worse since.


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