President Obama's Opposition To Arizona's SB 1070

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May 21st, 2010, the Obama Administration urged the Supreme Court to prevent Arizona from enforcing their immigration law SB 1070. However, because our federal government so blatantly ignores their own immigration laws, they really don't have a leg to stand on. The Federal Government in 1986 passed the Immigration Reform & Control Act. At the same time, they granted amnesty to over 2 million illegal aliens who had managed to get away with abusing our immigration laws.

Now the Obama Administration not only wants to ignore our immigration laws, but also grant amnesty to the estimated 20 million illegal aliens (half of whom are ex-guest workers here on expired visas that were granted to them by our federal government). Had the government properly enforced the law, we wouldn't be in this mess. However, Arizona and other states with immigration laws have been given no choice.

Below is a video of 4th District Representative Tom McClintock of California politely putting Mexico's President Calderon in his place; expressing that our immigration laws don't need to be reformed, but rather enforced.


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